YK MICRO CO., LTD. 86-755-2296-4350
Motherboard Types CE668-60001 Drive Interface Board for P1102 Specifications

Motherboard Types CE668-60001 Drive Interface Board for P1102 Specifications

  • Highlight

    P1102 Motherboard Types


    P1102 Drive Interface Board


    CE668-60001 Motherboard Types

  • Types Of
    Printer Accessories, Motherboard, Interface Board, Driver Board
  • Specifications
  • Weight
  • Place of Origin
  • Model Number
  • Minimum Order Quantity
  • Price
  • Packaging Details
    Custom packaging

Motherboard Types CE668-60001 Drive Interface Board for P1102 Specifications

The pictures, models, parameters and other relevant information displayed in the product are for reference only. If you are searching for products related to fields such as electronic components, precision components, office automation, and factory automation, or if you need customized products in this field. Welcome to contact us through the consultation form, telephone or any way you find convenient. We will reply to you as soon as possible. We always adhere to the purpose of striving for the best to provide you with the highest quality service. We look forward to establishing a friendly and stable cooperative relationship with you.

Product Description:

This is a core component designed specifically for a specific model of printer - the motherboard driver interface board, using the CE668-60001 model specification. As a key connection bridge within the printer, it accurately matches and optimizes printer performance, ensuring seamless collaboration between the driver system and motherboard, thereby providing a stable and efficient printing experience. Whether it is daily office printing or small-scale commercial applications, this interface board can play an important role in providing solid technical support for users' printing needs.

Technical Parameter:

product name Printer accessories, motherboard, interface board, driver board
colour green
package White box/color box
usage method Ready to use on the machine
Note: This image is for reference only and does not represent applicability to all models

Applicable scenarios:

Replacement and repair: Replacement of the printer's motherboard driver interface board when it is damaged or aging.

Improving performance: Replacing the interface board with a new one may help improve printer performance, increase printing efficiency and stability.

Product Function:

Interface connection: As a bridge between the motherboard and the driver system, it ensures the stability and accuracy of data transmission.

Driver support: Supports the normal operation of printer driver systems to ensure smooth printing tasks.

Compatibility: Designed specifically for HP designated models, ensuring perfect compatibility with printer motherboards.

Easy to install: Designed for easy replacement and installation, reducing maintenance costs and time.

Support and Services


  • 24/7 customer service support to answer any questions.
  • Expert advice on product selection and troubleshooting.
  • Detailed product information and training materials.
  • Full warranty and repair services.
  • Product updates and upgrades.

Packing and Shipping

Printer motherboard driver interface board is packaged and shipped in a cardboard box that is designed to keep the product safe and secure during transit. The box has a custom-sized insert to fit the product securely, and is sealed with tape. Inside the box, the product is wrapped in bubble wrap and foam padding to provide additional cushioning and protection. A packing slip and any promotional materials are included in the package.The package is then shipped via a reliable carrier such as UPS or FedEx. Tracking information is provided to the customer to follow the package's progress. Delivery time will vary depending on the chosen shipping method and destination.

The package is then shipped via a reliable carrier such as UPS or FedEx. Tracking information is provided to the customer to follow the package's progress. Delivery time will vary depending on the chosen shipping method and destination.

Motherboard Types CE668-60001 Drive Interface Board for P1102 Specifications 0